Discovery Nov 2 - Nov 13

Discovery Studio has been working hard over the last two weeks. They created some rules of engagement for circle time after I asked what should circle time look and feel like. These rules included having soft music, singing the words of songs together and without silly voices, not playing with the kitchen, not laying down, sitting quietly, sitting behind the blue line, and raising your hand when you'd like to be called on. These rules of engagement will be posted on the wall and the heroes and I will help remind each other of them.
A hero created an eye using the metal insets.
Special serval work.
Check out that concentration.
Happy birthday one of our heroes.
Working together in their restaurant.
The heroes have done various challenges the past two weeks focused on firefighters, police officers and restaurant workers as community helpers. They practiced stop, drop and roll and crawling out of a fire in thick smoke. Acting as police officers, they transferred fingerprints and created their own badge. For their restaurant, they created their own menus and food. We also explored these topics by reading several books. The Froggy books by Jonathan London have definitely been a favorite. 

Hi, I'm Cameo Van Duker.

I'm Co-Founder at Acton Academy Kingwood.

We would love to hear from you.

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